During the time in the IDP camps, a number of social institutions were broken down, starting from the smallest unit, the family. Parents were separated and no longer taking their responsibilities seriously. A number of husbands left all or most of family responsibility to their wives as they spent most of their time drinking. In the camps, there was an increase in petty crimes, cases of rape and defilement, and respect for culture and traditions diminished. Other institutions like the police and child protection working groups are in place and operational, however they need to be more accountable and responsive.

Among the programs we do to promote Women and Child Rights includes;

  1. Conduct Radio Advocacy programs Women and child rights.
  2. Making referrals & follow ups.
  3. Capacity building through trainings.
  4. Community awareness activities that specifically target men.
  5. Psychosocial support-counselling, referral and basic needs to survivors of SGBV.
  6. Coordination meeting with community structures.
  7. Participate in international days like 16 days of activism 
  8. Training and Establishment of Children’s Parliament
  9. Publication of “Voice of Children” Magazine 
  10. Annual National children’s painting competition
  11. Support the commemoration of international days like Global Campaign for Education week