BF Mission  

BF Mission to ensure an inclusive economic development and growth, creating jobs and wealth, delivering education and health, ensuring justice and equity for all vulnerable groups especially women and children including people with special needs.

BF Vision

BF vision to empower, and steer the economy for social transformation and economic take-off into self-sustaining growth for the betterment of South Sudanese. 

Mandate: To increased holistic support to vulnerable women, youth, and PLWHIV, children, adolescents and girls capacities for social-economic independence in South Sudan. 

The Objectives of BF

Bakosoro Foundation core mandates are attained by the following objectives:

1.To increase the literacy and employment levels among youth and women through elimination of the barriers to education

2.To improve the quality of lives of the people of South Sudan through enhanced agricultural yields through sustainable agricultural methods and technologies and food security and livelihoods promotion.

3.To reduce the proportions of people who are unable to reach or afford safe and clean drinking water and the proportion of people who do not have access to adequate sanitation and hygiene.

4.Strengthened local communities’ capacities to promote an agenda for Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable development

5.To improve the health and nutritional status of the communities of South Sudan through provision of essential health and nutrition care based on practical, scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and technology.

6.Person of concern among conflict affected populations are provided with safe and protected environment to prevent and respond to psychosocial distress violence, abuse, exploitation.

The following are the programmatic and thematic areas:-

  1. Education
  2. Health & Nutrition
  3.  WASH
  4. Food Security & Livelihoods
  5. Protection
  6.  Peace building & Human rights

Core value

 Transparency, Accountability, Hard work, Commitment.

BF strategized to achieve its objectives through its various programs, thus BF activities were planned to be implemented under each of its different programs.